Our world-leading certification services enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with national and international regulations and standards. We can help you gain the necessary certification you need to trade in your target markets, giving you, and your customers, the assurance you need – anywhere in the world.
Organization is managed by highly dedicated & experienced professionals. We Have build up the credible reputations among the customers, through its entire range of services. The very short span of its establishments, we have achieved worldwide recognition for Management system certification & Personal certification services.
To be the world's leading organization in the field of Management System Certification and Personnel Training services. By creating credibility among customers & stakeholders.
We are committed to maintain its leadership in certification and Training services to the entire satisfaction of its customers. This shall be achieved by Continual Improvement in processes and system through Involvement of all members of Euroglobal.
Management System Certifications
CE Product Certification
The Euroglobal Certifications UK Limited is not an accredited certification body. The certificated organisation can not claim the certified body status in govt procurement or tenders/bids in case such organisation has specifically required certifications/compliance from only acceptable Accredited & Registered Certification bodies on its competency criteria.
Any such status claim or representation shall be the sole responsibility of the such organisation and Euroglobal or any of its associates/representative shall not be liable for such act of the organisation.