
Delivering Confidence

Our world-leading certification services enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with national and international regulations and standards.

EU Directives

Meet the standards of European directives and your company can operate confidently almost anywhere in the global marketplace.

Are you designing or manufacturing products to be sold within the European Union? If so, you already know your company needs to meet the European Union's stringent standards for products used in industrial settings. Lloyd's Register Energy has expertise in the following European directives:

  • The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED): This directive applies if your company is designing and/or manufacturing particular types of pressure equipment.
  • The Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED): This directive applies if your company is designing and/or manufacturing pressure equipment for transport.
  • The Publicly Available Specification for Asset Management (PAS 55): This directive; is a set of requirements for asset management across asset intensive industries such as oil and gas and electricity.
  • The ATEX directive: This directive applies to you if you are designing or manufacturing equipment to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
  • The Construction Products Directive (CPD): This directive applies if your company is manufacturing any products to be used in construction within the European Union.

Meeting these standards and others can be a potential minefield for companies working in the EU, but it doesn't have to be. Lloyd's Register Energy has been helping companies like yours successfully meet and exceed EU directives standards for many years.

We employ the business' top EC directives specialist design engineers and EC directive authorized engineering surveyors and inspectors. we are available anywhere your company does business.